Lauren’s spring Lincoln Nebraska senior pictures

Lauren’s spring Lincoln Nebraska senior pictures

Scheduling Lauren’s Lincoln Nebraska senior pictures was difficult because of all of her activities, but we managed to get them in before graduation! Whew! It was totally worth the wait though. She absolutely killed it, and her photos show it. I really enjoyed working with her, and her amazing smile.

girl in white pants and a blue top smiling and touching her hairgirl in white pants and a blue top holding flowers and looking off cameragirl in white pants and a blue top looking at the purple flowers she's holdinggirl in white pants and a blue top holding purple flowersgirl in a blue top looking towards the groundgirl in white pants and a blue top standing under a concrete bridge looking very serious at the cameragirl in white pants and a blue top sitting on a log in the forestgirl in white pants and a blue top standing in a clearing in the woodsgirl standing and looking at the rocks below under a concrete bridgegirl standing and looking off into the distance under a concrete bridgegirl standing smiling under a concrete bridgegirl with a big smile out in the woods holding her necklacegirl with a big smile out in the woodssmiling girl in the woods with light behind her while she swings her dress with smoke on the groundsmiling girl in the woods with light behind her while she swings her dresssmiling girl in the woods with light behind hergirl in a red dress standing on a path in the woods with trees that make a tunnelgirl in a forest clearing looking very serious off camerafull length photo of a girl in a forest clearing looking very serious off camera with her hand in her hairgirl in a forest clearing looking very serious off cameragirl in a red dress looking off camera in a dramatic view of the woodsgirl in a red dress standing in the woods in front of a river looking at the cameragirl standing in dramatic light in front of tree roots holding her necklacegirl standing in front of tree roots holding her necklacea girl in a red dress sitting in a field touching flowersa girl in a red dress sitting in a field looking at flowersa girl in a red dress sitting in a field holding flowersa girl in a red dress standing in a fielda girl in a red dress walking in a fielda girl walking through a field of grass and flowersfull length photo of a girl standing in front of a tree and flowersgirl standing in front of a tree and flowersgirl standing in front of a tree and flowers with hair in her facegirl in a field looking down at purple flowerscloseup of girl holding flowers and pulling her hair back in the windfull length girl holding flowers and pulling her hair back in the windgirl holding flowers and pulling her hair back in the windgirl looking of camera with hair blowing in the wind

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